Sunday, May 16, 2010


Shwetha and I used to spend hours together at this one stationary store called Kazim, in Markaz Al Jumeirah mall in Dubai. Achen (her dad) would go to read the magazines and we poured over the pens, notebooks and rubbers (erasers). We would discuss which marker tip was better and admire the Cambridge compass set - which we both actually had and used as a school requirement.

The year that I moved to Toronto Shwetha came to visit me and she brought a cute little gift. It was a lipstick set inside a grey and gold pouch. As she handed it to me she said, "I know you will like the packaging more than the gift," and and she was right. I don't know what happened to the lipsticks because I don't wear makeup but I kept that pouch and until recently used it to store jewellery.

Our aesthetic awareness has evolved over the years but often we are still more drawn to the way something is packaged than what is inside.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Slice of Health

Check this out! "India's First Bread that Contains Omega-3"

This bread makes some pretty lofty claims:
"Controls Acne"
"Develops Intelligence"
"Development of unborn Babies Behaviour and Mood"

Now, not only am I not sure how bread can achieve these things, but how does bread achieve ALL of these things at the same time? AND, who is monitoring these claims? Is there a governing body which approves them??

If you click on the image and zoom in, you can see tiny images beside each Omega-3 benefit, note the foetus. Wonder why the benefits Lignan didn't get images? Ha? breasts and prostrate?

Welcome to andar kuch hai?

Shwetha and Rachna represent India North and South. We were raised in Dubai and are intrigued by all things pretty. Shwetha is a graphic designer in India and Rachna is a public relations practitioner in Canada. Together we bring to you the exciting, colourful and whimsical world of packaging from India.

andar kuch hai? literally means, is there anything inside?

We LOVE food, clothes, accessories and traveling. On this blog you will see our collected images and read commentary about documenting our exploration.